Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Holding Onto Me

Hey friends! I hope your week has been as fantastic and fulfilling as ever! We're just beginning our break for the summer and I did not realize how much I reeeeally needed it! (Okay, maybe I sensed it a little.) Seriously though, we haven't done a whole lot yet, mostly stayed home and gotten caught up on all that I felt so behind on the past few weeks. But, it has been wonderful not to have to worry about schoolwork! 

I wanted to share a little something with you, an idea, a bit of opinion, that's been tumbling around in my thoughts lately. Recently, I've been seeing all of these social media posts about how if you're not giving one hundred and ten percent of yourself to you family then, you're basically failing as a wife and mother...


Let me be the first to say that I understand where the writers are coming from but, I completely disagree with that statement. I love my husband. I love my children. I loooove my family and all that they bring to my life but, I cannot give them ALL of me. I can't. I do at times find myself doing just that and, you know what? It's usually when I'm feeling at my worst mentally, emotionally and physically. I'm pouring every ounce of myself out into them and there's not a single bit left for me to just... be me. To do me. To take care of ME. And, I feel so drained. If I'm not taking a bit of time each day to just do something for myself, then, honestly, how can I even begin to serve my family well..? 

I try my best to give myself a little self care each day and to also spend a little time doing something I enjoy. Personally, working out, showering, fixing my hair, doing my makeup, taking a little time to get fixed up or at least be intentional about how I present myself is self care. Painting my nails or doing an at-home facial. Reading a couple of chapters of a book while the boys play. It's important that I not lose myself in the midst of these crazy, wonderful years of bringing up a family. I want to make so many precious memories with them and I want to be able to enjoy each moment with a clear and happy mind and heart. In order to do that, I HAVE to give myself a little love as well. And, that's why I don't agree with the aforementioned statement. Yes, give your family your best and yes, do it with your whole heart. BUT, don't forget about yourself mama!

In order for me to be the best that I can be for my husband and my children, I MUST make the time to take care of me. And I cannot allow myself to feel guilty about it. I'm a wife, a mama, a friend, a daughter, a photographer, a sister, and a daughter of the King. Being a wife does not define me. Being a mama does not define me. Nor do any of the other hats I wear. They're all very important, incredibly treasured parts of me that I wouldn't trade for the world. But, in order to play all of those roles well and give it my very best, taking care of myself has to be a top priority.

How do you feel about this issue? Are you for or against my opinion? I'd genuinely love to know! Just because we have differing opinions about things doesn't mean we can't still agree to disagree and love each other anyway. Have a wonderful end of your week friends!! xo


OTS DRESS | similar
EARRINGS | Nickel & Suede

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