Friday, April 13, 2018


How difficult is it to be authentic today? SO difficult. How easy is it to fall into the traps the devil sets for us to make us believe we're not good enough. Not pretty enough. Not "perfect" enough? SO easy. I've been thinking a lot about this lately. To be honest, it may have had something to do with the lack of content here the last few weeks. . .

I just don't want to pressure myself into posting just for the sake of posting. I want this space to be fun and light but, also real and genuine. That's my aim anyway. I'm sure sometimes I can be way off the mark but, again, that's probably part of why I've been a bit quiet here lately. I've been focusing more on my family, on my fitness routine, eating healthier, getting more rest and well, just ME. Sometimes we all need a little r&r, am I right? With that being said, I am happy to be back and feeling great! (mentally and physically!) I've just come off of twelve weeks with the SWEAT app (looooved it) and did my first workout with Tone It Up this morning! H O L Y  S M O K E S. Kayla is rough on ya, no joke about that. But, man, switching things up and beginning a new routine with all new moves is tougghhhh. I know I'll be sore tomorrow but I am SO excited for it! I've really come to love working out these past few weeks! I know the boys love it too because they get to sneak in and watch music videos on youtube while I'm at it. I love to have my workout app on my phone, that way I can play music via youtube on our tv too keep me motivated during all of the sets and reps. It's been a game changer as far as helping me to push through. So, there's a little workout "hack" for ya. ;)

Also, I shared on insta a while ago that I went through my closet again, this time pulling out anything that didn't make me feel all the good things about my body. I made the tough decision to purge some things I'd been hanging onto for a few years.. Things that I didn't fit into or loved but just never wore. And, the funniest thing happened. After cramming it all into a trash bag and loading it into the back of my suburban, I almost felt like I needed to go through it again, just to be sure. Yea, #hordermuch.. Anyway, after resisting the urge to sneak a peak (more than once), I finally dropped it off at my local thrift shop last week. Talk about freeeeeeing! Seriously. I feel so much lighter. 

I stopped in to do a little shopping yesterday (the boys and I were desperate to get out of the house) and found a GREAT pair of jeans for a BUCK. No joke. They're high waisted, slim fitting, have the perfect amount of stretch and are button front which I think is so cute right now. I love them! I also snatched up this top for a dollar. There was a tiny hole in the sleeve but, of course I was like, "Heyyyy, there's a hole here and, I was jussssst wondering.... if you'd do anything for the pricccce?".. Hahaha. Yea, two seconds of sewing and it's good as new! It's so soft and flowy and the back is super cute and a little fun. Loving it. Plus, the color? Yes please! 

Anyhoo, I know it's been a while but, I hope you'll still follow along with my ramblings! Oh and, one more thing, I got bangs... I've been wanting to change things up a bit with my hair for a while now. I just wasn't sure what to do. I want to keep growing it, that's for sure. So, I opted for some new layers and long bangs for a little something different. So far they're working great for me. I'm still a little nervous about styling them (which I cannot figure out why..) but, I'm happier and happier with them each day. 

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL weekend friends!! Until next time... xoxo

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