Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Getting Cozy

Missouri has turned into a winter wonderland these past few weeks. It's so beautiful and calm. Mostly because the roads have been a solid sheet of ice and there aren't many brave enough to travel. But, to be honest, I'm kind of ready for spring to be here. When the groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter I was probably one of the first to take that deep sigh. I'm ready for cool, crisp breezes, flowers and blooms on the trees, and some nice green grass to look at instead of ice, snow, freezing temps and the mud that comes with the thaw we experience once a week during the winter months. 

One of the many things that I do enjoy about winter is how warm and cozy everything feels. Fires are always blazing, blankets are in abundance and I can layer as many tops and sweaters as I like without getting overly warm. I love to layer when it comes to choosing outfits. I almost always have a tank under whatever top I'm wearing and during winter I like to add a sweater and scarf on top of that to keep me nice and cozy. Today's schedule didn't have much on it. Breakfast, schoolwork, lunch, cleaning, nap time, supper and finally church (which we never made it to..sigh). Not too hectic of a day but enough that I could plan an outfit instead of my pajamas. Yea, most days that's our normal. Even if it means we put on clean jammies in the morning just to say we've changed clothes. Ha. Any other home school families out there do the same? ;-)

Since we didn't have much planned, I decided on this cozy sweater and my current favorite scarf to add a little something special. Add that to these comfy skinnies and a pair of flats and I had the perfect outfit for a casual day. I picked up this Gap sweater off the dollar rack (like I do with most of my tops!) at my local thrift shop and I absolutely love it. It is so soft and warm, the sleeves are the perfect length and it's long enough that I feel nice and covered. And, the subtle plum color is fantastic. Seriously, I can tell I'll be utilizing this a ton before the weather warms up. 

(A little background on me : I'm a photographer. I'm usually the one BEHIND the camera. NOT in front of it. So, please excuse my seemingly awkward poses. Ha. I'm working on it. And, since I would like this to be a place where I can regularly share outfit inspiration, I guess I have to start somewhere.)

Anyway, I ended up changing into jammies about half an hour after snapping these since our schedule got behind and we couldn't make it to our church in time. Yea, life happens. But, we spent the evening at home enjoying each others company and that's good enough for me any day. I kinda like my bunch of crazies. ;-)

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