Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Nostalgia for the 90's

Blanket Scarf | (thrifted)
Sonoma Corduroy Skirt | (thrifted) similar here
 OTK boots | Charlotte Russe
Purse | (thrifted) this one is pretty too
Similar Sunglasses

Who would've thought that corduroy would come back around to being on trend again. I'll admit that I didn't. But, when I spotted this Sonoma skirt tucked into a rack at my local thrift shop, my thirteen year old self did a little happy dance. And then my current self did! LOL And then I snatched it up and started pondering outfit ideas.

I love it! It's such a great texture. It really amazes me how fashion tends to circle around, ya know? That would definitely explain the major craving I've had to binge watch Friends on Netflix lately because, their style? Definitely on point right now. 

 This look was so easy to put together and gave me all the nostalgic feels for my adolescence. Mostly about how I knew nothing about style then and what to pair with what or what absolutely NOT to pair with what but, also about the carefree, innocent life I had but never really appreciated. I think that's so true for us, the majority of the time. We're living a dream and yet we're pining ahead to the life we think we want. Not only does that make us less intentional about the decisions we're making now but,  goodness think of what we could be missing. So often I catch myself thinking, wow, how did we get here??.. When did we grow up and become parents and when did this place start looking like a house and why did I use to think twenty eight was so old?! I still feel so new at this parenting gig and like I'm making a million mistakes a day and that, really I'm just coasting along until it's time to get back to real life. But, then I remember, this is it. THIS is my life. These are my kids and that is my husband and HOLY COW how blessed am I. My ten year high school reunion is coming up this year and while it's being organized, some of my fellow piers created a facebook group for us to share updates and memories in. Seeing all of the people I grew up with and where they are today was really a major reality check for me. A little bit in that maybe I'm not exactly where I saw myself being ten years from graduation. But, also in realizing that I could not have imagined this life with this crew if I had wanted to. I'm blessed friends. And so are you. It's time that we tune our focus in to where we are right now. Plan for the future, yes. Do our best to think long term for the ones we love, absolutely. But, don't miss what's right in front of you because, before we know they'll be grown up. They'll go out on their own and our arms will feel empty. We'll have all the time in the world for what we want to do but all we'll want is for them to be back home. I'm relishing in my boys today. In this life I've been given. And though I'm so excited for the future, where we'll be as a family, what future places we'll get to experience together and the relationships I'll have with my boys, I so want to enjoy this phase of life that we're in. Because, even though it's hard and crazy and physically and emotionally draining at times, I know that these are the times I'll miss the most when my family is grown and my house is quiet. 

So, look to the future and be excited for that. But, don't forget to soak in the memories and LIVE the life you have right now. 

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