Monday, August 1, 2016

Embroidery + Subtle High Low hems


3 Angels dress | thrifted
CATO military jacket | thrifted (I love this similar one + this one)
GH Bass & Co sandals | old (similar here)
GH Bass & Co backpack | old (similar here + here)

This summer has been a complete whirlwind. In some ways that's been good and, in others, not so much. I keep asking myself where these past few weeks have gone. We've had so much on our plates that it's been tough to find the time to just chill so, we've been doing as much of that as we can through the weekdays since our commitments have begun to dwindle. It's been such a load off to be able to stay home and be able to keep up with the everyday tasks so I can have a little time to myself while the boys play. I've found that if I can stay on top of the dishes and load them up quickly after each meal, spend a couple of days a week doing laundry, and have the boys help out keeping things picked up and the floor clean, then we have much more free time. Just by spending that hour or so throughout the day managing those daily tasks. It's been a huge time (and sanity!) saver.

Doing a little bit better of a job getting through those mundane, everyday things has been a big step for me. I've always been one to keep my house tidy and "mostly" presentable but, usually it's a big rush the day (or hour) before I know someone is coming over. This way, I feel more freedom to invite people over spur of the moment and less stress when preparing for a bigger get together. It's really been liberating. 

And, less time spent doing chores means more time for me and my family and that is always a win! We've been able to enjoy a less structured schedule while we take a break from schoolwork and Momma has had time to sew, which has been so rare these past few months. Also, I've found time to blog a few times, yay! I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it so I'm super glad I've been able to more recently. 

To this outfit though, I loooove it. I thrifted the jacket a couple of years ago and it has been such a staple piece to add a little something to any look. It's soft and comfy and the drawstring back gives it a little more of a feminine feel. These sandals are more oldie but goodies and they go well with practically anything. Adding simple detail that I just love. The dress I thrifted for a buck recently and, after only a few minor repairs, it is quickly becoming a favorite. I love the subtle high-low hem, the way the fabric flows so well and the embroidery on the top is just perfect. Such a good find! I'm thinking it will be great to transition to fall in the coming weeks as well. Just by switching out the military jacket for a faux leather one, and the sandals for some ankle boots. So easy!

(One more thing, I finally got my hair trimmed! It feels a little short in the back but I know it'll make the growing out process so much easier. So, yay!)

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