Friday, February 12, 2016

Sweetheart Day : Gifting for Her

When it comes to wish lists, I always like asking for things I really need or have wanted for a long time and just haven't had the gumption to purchase for myself. At the top of that list are self care items that I know I'll get tons of use out of or that I've had for years and need to replace. This Valentine's day, when the hubby asked what I wanted, I rattled off the usual things. Some chocolate, some Nickel & Suede, almost anything from Magnolia Boutique, and a new robe. I actually have several robes, all but one were gifts at my Bridal shower before Glen and I were married. Yea, eight years ago. They've gone through countless mornings cooking breakfast or wiping snotty faces, the sudden urge to paint without making time to change, lots of snuggles with sick littles or a bowl of ice cream in my lap and so much more. They are plum worn out. Not to mention stained beyond what Resolve will take care of anymore. Also, they're all cold weather robes. Think big, fluffy, nearly fur things that are insanely warm and cozy. I love them. But, I have always wanted one I could wear in the not so frigid months that would work well and still be cozy. Then I found this one on amazon.

It's perfect. The fabric is so soft, it's not heavy weight but not too thin and it covers me. I love that. What's up with a robe that is three quarter sleeve and only goes to the knee? If I can't snuggle in and be good without a blanket then, I'm sorry, it's just not worth it. Then the hubby asked what I really wanted, roses and candy or this unbelievable robe I had showed him. I love the mushy stuff but, I totally chose the robe this time around. Does that mean I'm getting old? Let's just go with more seasoned LOL.

I also love that the belt is attached, the sleeves are long and loose and the stretchy fabric makes the fit perfect. I got a small and it just feels so good. If you're looking for something for that special someone, consider a great robe she can get cozy in before settling down for a night of snuggling. It'll pay off, I can assure you!

Here's some other great gift ideas, some I already own and some I just really love, that would be great for that fashion conscious, chocolate loving, blush crushing lady in your life. There's still time to get some of them and, if not, gift cards work great for an instant gift that she can choose herself when the time is right!

Product Details

Product Details

Lindt Chocolate Lindor Truffles, Milk Chocolate, 60 Count

Goody Clean Radiance Cushion Hairbrush, 08193

Also, this brush? Love. It. It's like a mini head massage every time I use it and, I'm hopeful, it'll make this post partum hair loss thing a distant memory. (Ugh, it's the worst) What are you crushing on lately that would be the perfect valentine gift for you? Does your sweetheart know? It may be time to drop a little hint. Online wish lists and email subscribing is a great way to be subtle but precise. Happy Sweetheart Day!!

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