Saturday, April 16, 2016







When spring finally arrives, I always have this urge to refresh and redecorate. I want to update my home and, over the years, I've come up with a few ways to do that without breaking the bank. I've read articles and blog posts and pinterested till my fingers were sore and my eyes were tired just to get ideas on how to make things interesting again. I thought I'd share a few of those tips for you to try in your home this season. 

1 // Declutter

Take some time before you begin redesigning your space and clear out any clutter that may have accumulated over the winter months. I like to take the couch cushions off and vacuum underneath them, clear off tables and counters and give it all a good once over. Then, before putting anything back, I take an inventory of what I really need there and what can be put away somewhere else or gotten rid of completely. I like to think of myself as a minimalist as I get older so not having to work around unnecessary clutter helps me out a ton. Get your essentials where you need them, then you can start thinking about adding interesting touches here and there.

2 // Shop Your Home

This has been a game changer for me. It's so easy to look at a room in your home and think, this could really use some sprucing up, time for a target run! Or Lowe's or Hobby Lobby or wherever you like to get your home decor essentials. But, if we do that every time we grow tired of how a room looks or feels, we'd exhaust our monthly (or yearly) budget in a few hours time. So, I've come up with a few ways to make a room look completely different without making a trip to town. I like to take things off of dressers, bookcases, accent tables and the mantle and make a big "pile" of everything I have to work with. That way I can see everything and, more often than not, I can find a way to rearrange certain pieces and pairings of things that I would have never considered otherwise. Oftentimes, just moving things around a bit can completely change the mood of a room.

3 // Use Natural Tones

I love the feeling of bringing the calm and cheeriness of outdoors inside. I picked up a couple of potted succulents from my local Lowes to help freshen up my kitchen and was surprised with the positive energy and refreshing vibes they brought with them. I was suddenly inspired to clear the dust off the cabinets and wipe down the counters revealing clean, open space and I really love it. Just the feeling of everything being fresh and new and, of course the benefits of having living plants inside is great for lifting that haze after a long winter. Imitation plants can also work great for adding a little outside texture without the mess of falling petals and leaves. I'm a big lover of burlap and woven patterns and anything that leaves me feeling the urge to go outside so I love adding that in where I can. I couldn't find them to link but, I got some natural toned, woven placemats and use them to go under things on the kitchen counters and tables. Just like how I have one under the white serving platter on the kitchen island. It brings a little more texture and warmth to an otherwise man made, clean lined room. You can also do this with simple wreaths and pot fillers like the colorful one pictured above.

4 // Get Organized

It may be my personality or the fact that I am a clean. freak. But, I love knowing that my home is orderly and things are where I expect them to be. Anytime I start to get in a funk around the house, I like to go from room to room and gather things that have wandered away from their original place and put everything back where it belongs. This helps tremendously and can sometimes shave hours off my redecorating/refreshing routine as the seasons change. I do this a few times a week just to keep things in order and easy to find. And, with five easily distracted boys in the house, a momma with initiative can, sometimes, be a good thing. I've noticed my boys starting to pick up on this trait of mine and so we took a day and organized their basement playroom a few weeks ago. What a difference it has made for them. We put things away, stored like toys together, got rid of anything broken and made a separate space for different activities and I think they really like everything having a designated place when it's time to clean up. What used to take them hours (literally) to put away now takes less than an hour tops (when most everything is out) and that has also been huge for momma. Anytime I can get away with only asking once or twice for something to get done is a win in my book. Get organized, I promise it'll help.

5 // Add in Lots of White and a Little Color

I am a big lover of white. When we started talking about paint color for our new house, I new I wanted lots of white to make the rooms seem bigger, to help keep out the darkness we had in the basement and to get as much light in the house as we possibly could. So, when it comes to decorating for Spring, white is a major factor for me. I love bringing in neutral colored pieces and white tones to make the decor look fresh and new. Whether it's a serving platter in the kitchen, a set of candle holders, or picture frames, it just really helps. I love displaying white dishes to give a nice, clean look as well. Light colored throw pillows, and home accents look great together and then it's easy to add in a few pops of color. For me, the colors I add vary from room to room and how I've got it currently set up. For my kitchen, I have a pretty blue color on the walls so I like to keep yellow, blue and white as my base palette. It's easy to add or take away from and it almost always works. For the living room, I have a lot of earthy tones, so I add in pops of yellow and goldenrod to give it a little something interesting to catch the eye. Like I said, it varies from room to room but once you have a starting point, it's easy to interchange different ideas. Another way I like to add color and detail is through free printables. I have frames all over my home that I am constantly replacing the printables in and, it's an easy way for me to update a space without making a lot of change. (Pinterest has endless options for these)

I hope you got some new insight on refreshing your home for spring! Is there something you do that I didn't list here? Please share it! Have a great day and a blessed weekend!

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