Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Here We Go Again

I'm feeling like fall has finally arrived in our little corner of Missouri. And it's my  f a v o r i t e! Sure, we may still have a few days up into the lower eighties but, you won't find me complaining. I'm jumping in, head first. I think one of the many reasons why I love fall is the clothing choices. I'm big on layering all throughout the year but, when fall temps get here, it's much more fun. 

This year I'll be implementing lots of cozy sweaters, destroyed denim, statement earrings and fun tops. Also, give me alllll the booties please. These fun peep toe booties are perfect for transitioning from summer to fall and look great with so many things. They snap in the back, which is a bit different than some of my others but I don't mind it at all. If anything, it adds a fun little detail to them. These are GAP (and ridiculously comfortable) but there are so many options out there right now. These and these are also super cute at very affordable prices.

This pair of denim is only five dollars (in store) at Rue21 (we finally got one local to us) and they're some of the most comfortable I own. The distressing has jean layered underneath also so you don't see too much leg poking through, which I love. I have an even more distressed pair from there that I love just as much (if not more) and they were also five bucks. Seriously, if you need some new denim, check them out! You never know if you'll like them til you give them a try. And, at that price, you can afford to try them a few times. 

I'm looking forward to playing with my wardrobe a bit in the coming months. I want to branch out of my basic look a bit more and see what other styles and trends I really like. Fall is a great time to do that because you can add in different layers and accessories without sweating bullets.

What trends are you loving right now?! Anything making it big that you just can't see yourself wearing? For me, it has to be those fluffy slides I'm seeing all over. I mean, are they pool shoes, house slippers, what?? 

BOOTIES (these are very similar, only the back clasp is different)

(My top, booties and bag are all thrifted. I'm sorry if I can't always link to the exact piece
but, that's the price you sometimes pay to be frugal. :) )

Also, a little update on Tyler. Sleeping has been going pretty well but, I'm not exactly happy about alllll of the changes that have happened lately. I guess I am but, it's just hard seeing your babies grow up. Three nights ago was the last time he nursed to sleep. (insert bawling emoji here..) The first night was a complete accident as we were on our way home from hunting and he fell asleep in the truck. Since he's not nursing through the night or in the morning anymore, he didn't nurse that entire next day. Well, then last night he had a couple of crackers as a snack before bed and fell asleep in my lap without nursing. It's so different.. I know I should be happy to have my body back but, goodness. When you've been pregnant or nursing for the majority of the past S E V E N years, it's a bit hard to let it go and feel "normal" again. On the one hand, I'm glad he's done it on his own. That was my plan all along. I practiced baby led weaning with my other two (for those that don't know, we adopted our oldest as a toddler) and it worked wonderfully so, I was mentally set to do that this time around. But, I just didn't expect it to happen so quickly. Once I started reassuring him that he didn't need to nurse through the night, it was like a light bulb went off. He did ask for it last night but, I just told him we were going to have a snack instead and he gave me a big squeeze around the neck and was like, "okay..". Not real enthusiastic but, not upset either. Sweet boy. 

Anyhow, I guess it does come at a perfect time because, as you may have guessed, the hubby and I are talking about planning for another soon. I've always wanted five kiddos (I just thought it would be a fun number!) and now, it looks like it may happen! God willing, of course. But, I love that exciting feeling of trying again and the anxiousness of wondering if it will be a girl or a boy. I LOVE being pregnant and honestly can't wait to be in the midst of it again. Keep us in your prayers, will you? Only God knows what our family needs and I'm doing my best to trust His will and plan for us. Happy Tuesday friends! I pray it's been a good one!

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