Thursday, October 19, 2017

Leaving My Heart 4,000 Miles Away

We leave today for our Hawaii trip (I still don't think it's completely sunk in yet..). On the one hand, I am so excited and thrilled to spend the next few days with my love and recover a little piece of us that we've maybe lost track of these past ten years. On the other though, my heart hurts to leave my children behind.

When Glen first surprised me with the news of our trip, I felt an ache thinking about it. I was so, so happy. He'd spent the last eight months planning this. I mean, seriously, who does that?! He's amazing. But, having to be apart from my boys is going to be physically, mentally very difficult for me. As a homeschooling, helicopter, over-protective, you name it mama, it's going to challenge me SO MUCH not to be with them twenty four/seven for the next TEN days straight.


I can't even. The fact that my hubby thought enough of me to plan this trip and to do it all without my knowledge and, to even work in a visit with my BFF from high school at the end (she and her husband live in Honolulu!!) is just so incredible. So, I've been using these past four weeks to prepare myself. Packing. Duh. Preparing freezer meals and lists and schedules to make it as easy as possible on the boys and their caregivers. A must. But, I've also been using this time to wrap my mind around leaving my boys here, without me, and getting on a plan to fly nearly four thousand miles away, without them. And really enjoying it.

Maybe I'm harping on leaving them a little too much?? Maybe..

I will say that I am so excited. Really! I've never been to Hawaii before and, to be able to enjoy it with a little less responsibility is going to be icing on the cake. So, I think I'm ready. As ready as I'll ever be, that is. I've packed our bag (while trying my best to keep it just sliiiiightly under fifty lbs), gotten the house ready, tried to write down every last important reminder and detail and I feel more mentally prepared than I thought I could be to leave my boys in the care of their awesome grandparents while I go off to have a second honeymoon with the one I loved first. Before these little men joined our family.

I'm ready.

Please send prayers and all the positive thoughts for safety, protection, a smooth flight schedule and meeting all our planes. And, also for our boys as they navigate the next few days without us. It really is going to turn their world upside down to be apart from us but, I know they are going to have THE best time keeping busy with their Memaw and Papa. Just pray they'll be happy and have fun but, also, that there won't be any major accidents or injuries. That may be my worst worry. But, I won't delve into that right now. I'll just pray for a hedge of protection around them while we're gone and trust that the Lord will provide as He's always done in the past.

Thanks for tagging along friends! It will be a little quiet around here while we're away but, I hope to have some fun blogs to share all about our trip and what I packed, shortly after returning home. Have a blessed day! And a very happy start to your weekend!! Details on this fun fall transition look are below!


Ankle Boots | Magnolia Boutique (last year - similar options here + here)
Steve Madden Bag | thrifted (reminds me SO MUCH of Lily Jade!)

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