Thursday, August 20, 2015

Summer Traditions

Something Glen's family has loved to do since he was a child is go to the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia, MO. When he was young, they lived in Sedalia and were able to enjoy nightly visits the entire length of the fair. Since moving back to Lebanon, though, they take a day trip every year and it's one of the many traditions I love being a part of. We all pile into my in-laws fifteen passenger van and make the drive. It's quite the site! We usually eat one meal at one of the many restaurants inside the fair (which is always amazing!!) and pack another for the road where we'll find a park to eat at. And, afterward, the kiddos can play a while before hitting the road home. It is always such fun and this year was no different.

 We left bright and early to avoid the summer heat as best we could and, as it turned out, there was a pretty good chance of rain so it didn't get hot at all. The temperature was perfect and we only had to duck into a building twice throughout the entire day so, I'd call that a win. Over the course of the day we were able to view lots of displays, both artsy and informative, learn about bees and livestock, pet rabbits, "drive a firetruck, see fish and learn about the MO Department of Conservation, and they had a great building with all sorts of indoor activities for the kids. They got to play and interact with other littles while fishing, camping, cooking, building, planting and digging up crops, shopping, and lots more. They loved it so much we made two different stops inside to take a break from walking. Which, lets face it, was much needed with this 31 week bump.

I picked up some double chocolate fudge from one of the vendor booths and I have to say, it's a miracle that I have any left! It was sooo good. But, being prego drives you to make many sometimes crazy decisions. Including not gorging yourself on the most delicious fudge you've ever had so your blood sugar doesn't spike and you get in lots of trouble with your midwife. Haha. However, on the upside, savoring it has allowed me to enjoy a little each day and it has lasted much longer than it would have on previous trips. Seriously, it's just that good.

We were even able to sneak in a good nap for Blake, which was a lifesaver. I know it's hard to believe but he can be a bit of a bear if he doesn't get his beauty rest ; )


 The park we stopped at in Warsaw, MO was just so beautiful. I told Glen if we lived nearby it would've made an amazing place for portrait sessions. It was located right by a river which was framed on either side by large rocks. There was a paved trail along that and lots of nicely trimmed trees dotted the landscape. It was just so pretty we had to snap a family shot or two and we took the opportunity to get some outfit photos as well.

I actually started out the morning with two side braids and most of my hair hanging in loose waves, as requested by the hubby. But, upon loading up the van, I quickly decided that dealing with it clinging to my neck and face all day was not going to work for me. So, I threw it into this quick side dutch braid and it made for a much more manageable outdoor style. (This is one of those times where I wish I had a sort of pixie cut so I could fix it just the way I like and not have to worry about it the rest of the day. Like Glen would ever go for that though!)

I chose this maxi for a day that I knew we'd be walking constantly. It kept me nice and cool even with a button up tied up around my bump. I went with white to avoid any heat issues while still keeping covered up. I opted for this little cross body bag that I picked up at a garage sale last year instead of my usual, stuffed to the brim purse. This way, I was able to fit only the necessities in and it was lightweight so it worked well to carry with me throughout the day. I chose to wear minimal accessories so I wouldn't worry about losing anything and this bangle is always a go to for me. It's wider than some of my others so it gives the impression of wearing more than one but fits comfortable so it doesn't get old wearing it. Add in some sunnies, sandals and simple studs and I was all set for enjoying a day outside with the family.

Can't you tell we had such a great day?! I can't wait to go again next year with my newest little guy wrapped up all snug on the outside of my tummy. Until then, I'll do my best to savor this time as a mom of three little crazies and one big one agging them on.

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