Monday, March 5, 2018

Neutrals + Florals + Fresh Starts

Anyone else start to get this "itch" as the winter months begin drawing to a close and spring is JUST around the corner? That feeling of, "gotta throw out all my clothes, redecorate the living room and the master bedroom and, while I'm at it, let's do the kitchen and kids rooms as well and start fresh".. Just me then? I craaaave newness and change. I want to bring light and crisp, bright colors and soft neutrals and everything happy all into our space and I want to do it all at once. Eesh.. that can be tough. I find that if I tackle it in baby steps, moving things around, shopping my house, purging and then replacing, doing my best to be intentional and less "instant gratification" minded, I find a happy medium that really works for me. I'm curbing my appetite for ALL THE NEW THINGS (if just a smidge) and still satisfying that longing for freshness.

I love to thrift and repurpose and I'm finding that a ton of my decorating and dressing style is centered around just that nowadays. Some plans I have in the works for our home this spring are : 

- new spring oriented pillow covers for the couch throw pillows
- decluttering the kitchen counters and letting in more light
- purging more toys from the boys' rooms
- sorting through clothes and consigning what we don't need/use
- bringing in pops of floral and lots of white/color (does that make sense??)

I have a few ideas to get me started and, of course, find myself scrolling pinterest on the daily. (Seriously, whoever came up with that idea is a  g e n i u s!) 

As far as my closet goes, I've been on a purge kick lately to get rid of things that I know I don't wear, no matter how much I love it. It's been difficult at times but also, simultaneously super fun. I've filled holes with things I'm drawn to so much more and have begun a "wish list" of things to keep my eye out for while out thrifting. I'll be sharing my top items in a post soon so, be on the lookout for that!

I found this feminine floral dress while having some "mama time" a few days ago and I just LOVE it! It's so pretty, has the perfect neutrals and fits great. It's actually a size large, I usually go for a sm/m in dresses. But, sometimes when you're thrifting, you just don't have the option to get your normal size. If it fits, has a great price tag and you love it then, I say, get it! This dress was exactly that. I'll admit I actually like the more flowy fit and the length is perfect. I tend to go a tad longer with my dresses most of the time but, again, when thrifting..

So, for spring, I plan to bring lots of pretty neutrals, light, feminine fabrics and loads of floral patterns into my daily wardrobe. I love that this dress can also go from church to a day out super easily. I'd just switch out the heels for some flats and the shoulder bag for something a little more spacious because, #momlife. 

I can't find this exact dress online so I'll link a few similar styles below, in case you're in the market for one. This bag is old from Very Jane so I'll also link a few options I love. Also, if you haven't heard of the Ibotta app, you have GOT to try it!! If you follow my link, we can both earn some extra free moolah. I love this app for so many reasons and, right now, you can get $2 back on Neutrogena Hydro Boost products!! Seriously, what are you waiting for?!? 

Have a happy week friends!! Spring is right around the corner!


FLORAL DRESS | Old Navy (similar styles here + here and I LOVE this one)
NUDE HEELS | Rue 21 (only $9 in store right now!)
TASSEL SHOULD BAG | (I love this one from Romwe)
EARRINGS | Nickel & Suede
LIPGLOSS | Neutrogena Hydro Boost in "True Nude" ($2 off with the Ibotta app right now!!)

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