Monday, March 19, 2018

Layering Blazers For Spring

Do you ever struggle with feeling ungrateful? Like, you look around and see all of the wonderful things the Lord has blessed you with, and you LOVE it all. But, there's that one dress you wanted and feel frustrated when it doesn't happen or you wanted to go out to eat instead of going home to cook a meal and it just doesn't work out.. Something trivial like that just undoes your day and then, all of a sudden, you feel like a privileged two year old who needs a time-out..

Am I the only one who feels this way? I know I can't be, I just  h a t e  that I let my emotions get the best of me sometimes.. I had one of those days over the weekend and it has just knawed at my self-worth ever since. Like, geesh, really? Was I honestly that upset about something so unimportant?..

I think everyone goes through valleys like that. Sometimes it can be one specific thing that sets us off, or a myriad of things we've allowed to pile up inside our hearts and we simply can't stomach any more. How do we combat feelings like this? I'm not exactly sure. I do know that letting things go will help immensely. Stopping to pray about it and then leaving. it. there. Realizing that some things just DON'T matter. Not in the least. And, also, talking about it. Letting others know how you've been feeling and then, ultimately realizing that you're never alone in those situations. Someone else you love and care for has been through the exact same thing as you're going through now, no matter how small. And they want to help you through it. Isn't that one thing we're called to do here on Earth? To be there for others and lend a hand and heart as often as we can? Yes, I think so.

It's ironic sometimes, when we experience those lows, how much we really learn in the process. The way I react to my children when they have the very same attitude all of a sudden reminds me of the way my heavenly Father disciplines me. With so much love and grace and yet, am I giving that to my own little ones? I hope so. 

I'm not directing this post to  a n y o n e  else but myself. I seriously need it. Sometimes a little pep talk and a chunk of alone time can do wonders for this mama's heart and attitude (towards life in general). I just want to remind myself to let go of the little things. The things that would seek to steal my joy. And  r e v e l  in all of the abundant blessings I've been given. This life I'm living is so very sweet and I NEVER want to miss a second of it yearning for things I don't have.....

On a lighter note, I wanted to share this Sunday Style look with you! It was super easy to put together. I thrifted this floral dress ages ago (and the blazer as well) and never thought to put them together in one outfit until yesterday. But, I loved it! I'm linking some really sweet floral dresses and classic blazers below that would be great to style in this same way this spring! 

Anways, thanks for taking the time to stop by today! I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead and that you're able to see more blessings than disappointments. Happy Monday!!


FLORAL DRESS | thrifted (found it on Ebay though!)
BLAZER | thrifted (similar here)
BLUSH SUEDE BAG | Walmart sale item (similar here)
POM EARRINGS | $1 Walmart find (in-store only)

         Worthington Blazer Liz Claiborne Double Cotton Blazer 

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